These are some of the reforms I believe we need to see in EGYPT, I wrote these points down about a year ago, before the new Israeli aggression, which I am totally against, but me being against Israel's actions, absolutely does not mean I support any Islamic or otherwise militant movement! I'm not looking to change the world or the country with my suggestions, they are merely suggestions that if put into action could only improve our state.1) Clean the city, if someone gets caught throwing garbage in the street give them a ticket, if your walking down the street and you see a piece of paper, pick it up and throw it away. Why do people keep their city dirty, I just don't get it? who wants to live in this filth? My grandmother tells me of the time when Egypt was a clean country, what happened?
2)Care about human life, and don't just say its fate and it was their time to go.
3) MUST MUST separate religion from state, Egypt is not one religion it is many. Every EGYPTIAN no matter his religion must feel welcome in his country. Teach respect of religion weather it be Jewish, Muslim or Christian, Teach kids to judge people by their actions not their religion.
4)Create a minimum wage(people get paid a certain amount of money at the minimum, for example in America no one can get paid less than $5.75 an hour, its illegal) so that poor people aren't always poor. So that people can actually make something out of nothing.
5) Absolutely free enterprise, too many businesses and services are owned by the government in Egypt,, private hospitals,ambulance companies,security companies ect..., so that there is competition and companies have to have good customer service to stay in business.
6)Create a credit rating system so people can borrow money from banks and buy homes and cars, and if they do not pay their bills,go after them legally government loans to small business owners, so they can start a business, and provide a service to make the community better, and better themselves.
7) Educate POLICE, respect them, don't just make them a shawish and pay them nothing, pay them good so that they are motivated and feel like they are something. Respect is one of the biggest motivators.
8)Ticket speeders and bad drivers who don't obey traffic laws and make them pay a fine and go to court, therefore people are liable and will think twice before they drive like morons.
9)GOVERNMENT regulations on buildings and parks and any areas, so owners must stay on top of their work and keep our city looking good, repair roads and buildings(remove ugly advertisements from building sides) by using private construction companies, that have to compete for business therefore they do a good job. Make our city look good.
10)Instill in the kids that they must grow up and be successful, that they don't have to be poor, teach them that praying and so on is important but also working and making a lot of money is important and possible, you can't just keep on praying, you must work hard and want to be something.
11)Stop preaching hate against Israel and America, look at our own country and its problems and try to fix it and its economy before crying about Palestine and Iraq. What Israel is doing in Lebanon and Palestine is of course wrong and horrible. But we really need to Help our country first then help anyone else.
12) increase government employees pay so that they actually do a good job and not just hate their job and hate being there, therefore passing their misery onto the consumer.
13)Allow free press, people should babble to talk freely and state their opinions.
14)Make the armed forces voluntary, but create opportunities, such as free private colleges if you are in the armed forces, benefits, insurance. Make a soldier, even the lowest rank feel proud and patriotic not miserable, and treated like a cockroach.
15)Free democratic election so that candidates must try hard to make the country happy and improve it. Only 4 year terms like in the USA, not 20 something years. Be very careful when voting, we don't want a crazy Iran Like Islamic state.
16) Create rules and regulate all aspects of the country, such as the taxis for example, make them have to pass emission tests for example, forced regulations make companies more liable and responsible for what they do.
17)I really think the Education system in Egypt is TOO HARD, yes too hard, I remember up until I was 14(the year I moved to USA) I was always studying, hours upon hours, I had nothing else to do. Not enough time for sports or to expand ones mind. In the USA and Europe people develop their learning skills, but have time to join in other activities therefore they get to expand their horizons.
* Just give people hope!