Thanks for Reading my Blog, but I'm done for a while! I love Egypt, and those who don't see that from reading my Blog must be BLIND!!
A few parting Words.
1) Remember Islam is a peaceful Religion..Its Muslims who are acting up and turning into Extremists who are Hijacking Islam. Don't be too quick to blame everything on Muslims or on someones Religion, people have many other ulterior motives to do what they do. If you want to learn about Islam read the Quran, i don't mean just one verse i mean read an entire Chapter. Its a balanced Book, that preaches peace and respect. "He who has killed one innocent soul, it is as if he has killed all humanity. And he who has saved one soul, is as if he has saved all humanity (Quran 5:32).
2) Peace is the only solution between Israel and Palestine, War and fighting will never work! The Palestinian who has lost his land, the Israeli who doesn't want to lose his land, they both LOVE THAT LAND! I am 100% against Israels occupation But we must understand the other side. If you are born in Israel and all you know is Israel then its your land, just like the Palestinian...The old generations are the ones who messed this up, now BOTH the Israeli and Palestinian New generation must realize they both have rights to the Land. Israeli Army committing atrocities against Palestinians and Palestinians blowing themselves up and killing innocent Israelis will never be the Answer. Both sides must Resort to PEACE! <em>"An Eye for an Eye and we are all left Blind(Ghandi)"
3) Egyptians must Unite and put Egypt First, WE ALL KNOW RELIGION IS IN OUR SOUL, so I'm not saying put Egypt ahead of Religion, Religion is YOU, and nothing is ahead of it, but I'm talking about your Nationalistic side! There put EGYPT FIRST, Love your country and try to Improve it! There will never be an Arab Union, Realize that, Arabs are out for themselves so lets be EGYPTIAN and cater to our Problems First. You cannot let the Muslim Brotherhood or any Islamic based Party take over this Country! Use your head when making choices, don't just listen to some preacher, Even the Quran tells us, to use our heads "Religion is for God and the Home Land is for ALL"
4) Lets stop Blaming "others" for our own faults and tribulations. lets take RESPONSIBILITY! lets stop making Excuses for the decline of our Nation. "EXCUSES ARE THE BUILDING BLOCKS TO THE MONUMENTS OF NOTHINGNESS THOSE WHO SPECIALIZE IN THEM SELDOM AMOUNT TO ANYTHING"
5) Education, Tolerance, hope and unity are the answer. Don't Judge a person by his or her religion or Nationality, judge them by their actions.
Thanks and Goodbye for a while!