Thursday, February 08, 2007

Muslim Sunnis in Lebanon supporting PM Seniora.

THIS VIDEO, Shows you how the Muslim Sunni Majority in Lebanon, are still using their brain and know that Hizbolla & General Aouns FPM are a threat to Lebanon's security, you can see the Harriri shirts they are wearing too. SAnYoura..SAnYoura!! I also support PM Seniora to the Fullest!

The first lady goes a little too far as to say "Olmert Ashraf Minak ya Nasralah" But it just goes to show you how much anger there is from Lebanese towards the PARALYZING of Beirut and the Violent protests that took place there by Nasralla and Aouns supporters.

ps: READ THIS ATICLE: Hezbollah and Aoun are Lebanon's worst nightmare
It tells you how Hizbolla's (Shia) and General Aouns (Christian) parties are united together in trying to topple the current lebanese goverment. Very weired alliance if you ask me, now you have Shia's and some of the Christians of Lebanon united against Sunnis and the rest of the Christians.


Modern Pharaoh said...

huh??? lol

Amenhotep®© said...

Well,these words sound really BIG and important,i just can't get the idea either :)

The Anti-Wahhabi said...

"What is the difference between a Sunni and Shi’i anyway? Aren’t they all Muslims? Don’t they all declare that “There is nothing worthy of worship except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger”? Doesn’t that make them brothers in faith? Doesn’t that bond mean anything?"

Some will argue that as long as Shi'as curse the sahabas, the Shi'a cannot be trusted.

Many Sunnis seriously regard Shi'as are deviants and claim that their sect was founded by a Yemeni Jew named ibn Saba.

Modern Pharaoh said...

@Anti Muslim..i mean Anti wahabi: I've never heard this Shia was founded by some yemeni thing before. But anyways..yes we are all muslims, and the Shia/Sunni thing was long forgotten, but lately it has come into light because of whats going on in Iraq and in Libnan.

What is weired is when Saddam was in Iraq Shia's and Sunnis intermarried and rarely had problems. But the USA coming there and creating a void for the Radicals on both sides to fill has caused this carnage going on there.

The Anti-Wahhabi said...

"@Anti Muslim..i mean Anti wahabi: I've never heard this Shia was founded by some yemeni thing before. But anyways..yes we are all muslims, and the Shia/Sunni thing was long forgotten, but lately it has come into light because of whats going on in Iraq and in Libnan."

Really? That's what Salafis/Wahhabis mainly use to discredit Shi'as. If you go on forums with a large Salafi following, such as UmmahForums, that is one of the arguments they use.

Here's a Salafi site that tries to argue the case on that.

I'm not sure if you heard about the incident in New York City last year, where a group of Salafi Muslims that hail from the Islamic Thinkers Society (an extremist group based in NYC) held a protest during Muharram, holding up posters denouncing Shi'as, deeming them kaafirs, claiming that the sect is based on "superstitious elements of Judaism", and even photos of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani with "kaffir" emboldened across them.

And I'm sorry, but the Shi'a/Sunni thing wasn't really forgotten. It may have gotten prominenance lately thanks to Zarqawi and his thugs in Iraq, but it has been going on for centuries.

Do you know how many Sunnis still hate the Safavid founder Shah Abbas for supposedly converting Iran from Sunnism to Shi'ism? Same reason why Shi'as hate Saladin for destroying the Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt.

"What is weired is when Saddam was in Iraq Shia's and Sunnis intermarried and rarely had problems. But the USA coming there and creating a void for the Radicals on both sides to fill has caused this carnage going on there."

Well that is true, but then again, it was the same case with Yugoslavia under authoritarian rule by Tito, where Muslims and Orthodox Christians lived together. But once the central rule was destroyed, old rivalries flared up as a result. So it's no surprise that it is the case now in Iraq.

Modern Pharaoh said...

m2t. We are not slandering Islam..i LOVE my religion. I am upset and angry at the people who destroy its image.

Those muslims are mostly killing one another anyways...and killing themselves in suicides..they are all going to hell.